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Hearing Aids Pakistan2024-01-29T15:20:06+00:00
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Welcome to Digital Hearing Aid

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Call us : +92 317 1714075

Types of Digital Hearing Aid

Behind-The-Ear (BTE)

Receiver-In-Channel (RIC)

In-The-Ear (ITE)

In-The-Canal (ITC)

Completely-In-Canal (CIC)

Invisible (IIC)

Which hearing aid is best for you?

Hearing aids are adjusted to each person’s hearing loss, so that the best possible clarity can be achieved.

What are hearing aids?2022-01-12T16:21:24+00:00

Digital hearing machines or hearing aids is a device used in the rehabilitation of various types of deafness or hearing loss.

Hearing aids are one of the most sensitive subjects in the Otorhinolaryngology specialty, as there are different types of hearing aids, and correct rehabilitation implies, on the other hand, an accurate diagnosis of the type of deafness, but it also requires monitoring as well as meet the specificities of each user.

Who should prescribe the hearing aid?2022-01-12T16:16:50+00:00

The Otorhinolaryngologist or Audiologists is the one who assesses the need to use a hearing aid after evaluation in consultation.

After carrying out the specific exams and tests for this purpose, the choice of the indicated device is made based on the characteristics of the type of deafness in question, as well as the preferences and sensitivity of each user.

How much does a hearing aid cost?2022-01-12T16:21:48+00:00

The price of hearing aids obviously varies according to the type of aid selected and is often a major obstacle to the widespread use of hearing aids. The most expensive prostheses are usually digital and allow great precision in calibration, as well as self-regulation depending on the acoustic environment and reduction of unwanted noise.


Contact us or visit a Hearing Aids Center.

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Enjoy better hearing.

Our new range of Signia Motion X hearing aids lets you take your performance to the next level

Your complete listening experience

Styletto X
Styletto X
It’s more than just a hearing aid – it’s your complete hearing experience
Silk X
Silk X
The ideal hearing solution for those who value discretion above all else
Mashed potato
Mashed potato
The versatile rechargeable hearing aids
Motion X
Motion X
Small rechargeable behind-the-ear devices that are easy and comfortable to wear
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